Service Agreement


This applies to all CNP customers that release a key or access code to CNP to gain access for a scheduled cleaning appointment. In the event a customer decides to terminate service, CNP will comply by returning the key and erasing any access codes and or alarm codes within 24 hours of recall. All customer keys are stored in a safe, all access codes are stored on a secure server and labeled under a numeric code. Numeric codes are changed periodically. The only members of CNP that have access to the keys and codes are management personnel. Your cleaner will have access only on the day of your service. At no time will CNP make any duplicates of your key. All keys are monitored when checked out and in. If a key is not returned by the end of the business day, we will immediately contact the customer. CNP is not responsible for replacing any keys that are lost or damaged.


All CNP customers must provide a credit card prior to entering in business. All
cleans are billed within 24 hours of the service being rendered. In the event we can’t process your invoice with your payment information, we will email and or text you a secured payment link within 24 hours of your service. All invoices must be paid upon receipt. Any customers with open balances will have a 1-day grace period to pay their invoice otherwise you will be subject to a 3% late fee after the grace period. You may terminate your service by calling (469) 833-4155 or by emailing us at


If service is canceled with less than a 24-hour notice, or we are unable to access the home upon arrival, or we are turned away at the door, a cancelation/lockout fee equal to 50% of the service price will be charged to your account. If you cancel but reschedule for the next day, we will waive the fee if you have availability to place you on our schedule. CNP will email and or text a service reminder no less than 2 business days in advance of your upcoming appointment. You may always cancel and or reschedule your service by calling (469) 833-4155, emailing us at or texting 214-817-3603


In the event of damage due to or resulting from defects or deficiencies in CNP supplies or services performed, CNP assumes liability for the fiscal loss incurred by a customer due to our negligence. Liability is determined by a manager assessing the negligence of any CNP personnel authorized to be on the property. CNP has an Accident and Liability Reporting and Prevention policy which addresses the issue of honesty in the workplace. CNP understands that even with preventive training the risk for property damage can be minimized but not eliminated but we can stamp out the temptation of any member of our organization to be dishonest about their role in causing an incident. CNP pledges to our customers that we safeguard your property while also pledging to our staff that they are not held financially responsible for the reimbursement if they report the incident and explain how it occurred. This aids in our preventive training while creating an environment where employees are not motivated to conceal out of fear of reprisal. In the event an incident occurs your cleaner will leave behind an incident report and alert the office. Expect an email and or text from management to begin the process of reimbursement. Any CNP staff member is found to be knowingly concealing damage they caused or knowledge of damaged caused by another will find their employment terminated immediately.


CNP is an insured and bonded company. But we take further steps to ensure the security and protection of our customer’s properties. All CNP employees are required to pass a 5-day training coarse prior to being assigned to their properties. During the training course all CNP trainees are always assigned a mentor and train under direct supervisor. All CNP trainees undergo an employment and criminal background review before being hired. All CNP trainees undergo a 30-day probationary period prior to being assigned to a permanent property. CNP aim to always send the same cleaner to the same properties on each visit. Any staff changes that occur CNP will notify you prior to your service date.


CNP promotes open communication between our staff and our customers. Our goal is to offer a quality service designed to provide you with the service that best fits your needs. As your needs change it’s important to have open dialogue for us to adjust so to better serve you. In the event you are unsatisfied with our performance we pledge to return at no cost to correct what was not completed properly. Once reported all return visits will be scheduled the following business day or as soon as our schedule can permit. Grievances must be reported before the start of the next business day to ensure we promptly resolve the issue. All grievances reported after the start of the next business day will be documented in our files to be addressed on your next visit.


Floors, countertops, and tops of furniture should be free of clutter. Kitchen sinks and surrounding areas should be free of dirty dishes and clutter. If you need us to change your bedding, please leave your bedsheets on the beds that need changing. If you have laundry to be folded, please place your laundry in a basket and our staff to find. We limit laundry to 1 basket per visit. For additional help with laundry please contact our office. Pets should be placed in a safe area to ensure the safety of your pet and our staff.

Thank you for choosing Clean n Pristine, Inc.

(469) 833-4155

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Don’t let cleaning add to your stress. Call us now at (469) 833-4155 or click below to schedule your professional cleaning.